I love taking pictures. In fact, I'm planning on taking the plunge over the holidays and finally getting myself a really nice camera. I've got a small, digital Panasonic right now, but, while it takes decent enough photographs, doesn't take the more 'professional' photographs that I'm looking for. That's not to say that I haven't taken any good pictures, because I sure have. I use photographs that I've taken with my phone and with my camera, with mixed results.
Last year, I really wanted a break from all the nature photographs I take, and invested a few days into driving around the old downtown, abandoned, and industrial parts of town. I ended up with some gritty black and white photographs during the coldest time of year. This helped lend to the dark, cold, and abandoned feel of the photographs. Enjoy.
Down along the Missouri River run train tracks. This particular train just happened to be going by as I was in the area, so I stopped to take a photo or two.
This is the one of the local power plants.
This photograph was taken down the road from the power plant. It's next to some more train tracks and doesn't appear to used much, if at all.
The train tracks as they head in towards downtown.
An old abandoned auto parts store just north of downtown Omaha.
A water tower looms in the sky, more than likely a retired one linked to an industrial plant of some kind.
Another old abandoned building. The left side of the taller building has collapsed, leaving exposed bricks, giving the appearance of having been ripped.
Another old abandoned auto business.
A row of abandonded businesses in a former downtown area. It's always interesting to wonder what life must have been like back when it was a thriving area.
An old abandoned body shop along the same street as above.
An old smoke stack rises high above the air as downtown looms in the distance.
Omaha's skyline in the background, with it's sleek, vibrant aliveness is a stark contrast to the ruin and decay in the forefront.