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Day Trip Adventure: Something Old, Something New

  Today, I'm back with another fun Day Trip Adventure. My bestie and I - both struck with a bit of wanderlust - were anxious to get out for some adventure. Since I am the Day Trip Queen, I began planning the most out of a June Saturday. As usual, the goal was to see stuff, hike a bit, and have a good time, all while spending very little.  Here's how it all went down. We set out early and headed south on I-29. If you're a longtime reader here, you'll know that many of my DTAs include driving on this interstate, mainly because it runs the breadth of my beloved Iowa Mountains. Lately, I've been spending more time on the north corridor, so I decided to head south this time. There were a couple of places that I've wanted to check out now for almost a year, as well as revisit other places I haven't been to in a long time that all run south.  Our first stop wasn't far into Missouri: Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge. This is a place I've been to a handf

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