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How (and How Much) I Paid for a Trip to the UK on a Low Income

  As of the time of publication of this post, I'll be on a plane bound for England. I've been planning this trip for two years and the excitement is palpable! Until I return home, I thought I'd share the nitty gritty about this trip. Enjoy! For a long while now, I've talked about surviving and thriving on a low income. Today, I'd like to focus on the thriving part. As you know, I'm currently (as of post publication) on the way to the UK with my friends, Keith and Audrey. I'm sure you're wondering how on earth I managed to pay for such a trip on a low income. Well, I'm about to tell you. As you also know, I've been credit card churning for a handful of years now. As I got more used to it and did more research, I started to think about what I wanted to gain from credit card churning. Did I want to earn cash or did I want to travel? Well, if you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you're well aware of my burning love of travel -

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