Back on the Wagon...Maybe

My kids are out of school for the Summer now, which means I don't have to wake anyone up in the morning and drive anyone anywhere either (YAY!). Combine this with a beautiful Spring morning and living in close proximity to my job, and you have the perfect recipe for walking to work. 

I decided, then, the other day to do just that. I had only gotten about a quarter of the way there when I came to a realization: I am out of shape! That one mile walk (I know, shoot me) kicked my butt. Me, the hiker and outdoor lover, got whooped by a quarter-mile walk. I persevered anyway, and by the time I reached work I was feeling pretty good. Still, it's a wakeup call.

You all know that I spent a total of three and a half weeks being sick (this includes the time I spent taking medicine and getting well) last month. I got in one decent hike right at the tail end of it, then spent the next two weeks getting caught up on various responsibilities I have outside of work. Right after that, I hit a manic perimenopause episode that lasted a couple of weeks where I hibernated.

Looking back over the last couple of months then, I really haven't gotten much exercise. In fact, I've only gotten that one hike in since vacation. On top of that, I've been eating mostly a carbolicious, starchy diet. No wonder I'm in such poor shape. Well, it's time then to get back on the wagon. I'm going to be mindful of the foods I eat (and the quantity), and I'm definitely going to get some good hiking in over the next several weeks. I need to do that anyway before the Summer heat & mosquitos arrive, rendering hiking nothing more than a sweaty, bug-fest.

Wish me luck!


Don't forget, you can purchase my latest book, The Box, as well as my other books through my Pronoun Author Page. You can purchase it through different retailers for different reading devices. Hey, one guy said The Box was nothing more than gratuitous violence and bloody murders! Doesn't it sound awesome? Find out for yourself...only $3.99!


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