Things I'm Into Lately


Now that I have a home that I love, I've been enjoying the time that I spend there. Sure, I like to get out and about as often as I can, but in the evenings, either after work or after a day of adventuring, I make the most out of my time at home. For me, this has been an adventure of another kind: rediscovering things I love.


I already dedicated an entire post to this so I won't go into detail, but I've gotten back into the groove of cooking. It's incredibly easy to be lazy so getting my butt into the kitchen and making a real meal every night (well, most nights anyway) has been great. More than that, I'm finding it to be therapeutic - a way to unwind from a day at work and reconnect to my home life.


When I was young, I was a voracious reader, consuming books like a madwoman. The older I got, the less I read until I, truthfully, went a handful of years without really reading anything - shocking, I know, considering I'm a writer. Slowly but surely, however, I've been getting back into it. It was a sense of accomplishment to actually read and finish an entire book! Lately, I'm mainly reading books about the Appalachian Trail as I prepare for my big trip. Of course, reading books in these cold weather months means...


I love tea, particularly herbal tea, and every winter, I'll have a day or two when I drink it. After moving, I was able to take stock of just how much tea I had and organize it all. I have to say, it's pretty impressive. I have a good three or four loose leaf teas and several boxes of different flavors of bagged tea. I run water through my coffee pot (no coffee grounds of course) so my daughter and I can make ourselves a few cups of tea. 

Old Radio Programs

When I was growing up, my dad was not a fan of television so we never had one. Instead, we listened to music and radio programs. I was perusing YouTube one day and a recommended video opened me back up to that world. Some clever people out there have taken old radio programs, put cool background images on them, and posted them for all to enjoy. I've been listening to old scary radio serials with Peter Lorre in them and old favorites like Dragnet, and they're fantastic. So much fun and it brings me back to my childhood!

As you can imagine, my evenings often look like this: I make dinner, we eat, and then I clean up. I then either put on a fireplace video on my tv, sip on some tea, and read a book while snuggled under a blanket, OR I put on an old radio program and sip on some tea while snuggled under a blanket. I can't think of a better way to enjoy my evenings and leave the world behind. I think my Winter is booked - at least as far as home is concerned.

If you're interested in the old radio programs, you can do a search for just that on YouTube. My personal favorites are The Late Late Horror Show and Old Time Radio Archive

Have a great week!


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