Tuesday's Musings
Happy Tuesday! It's my first day of my work week, but it will go quickly. Thanksgiving will be here Thursday, and it will be the first time I've made a full vegan Thanksgiving (a Vegansgiving)! I've found recipes for some of the old favorites that are vegan, and I'm hoping my non-vegan kids will still enjoy the meal. The day after Thanksgiving I'm going to a friend's house for another vegan Thanksgiving meal, and I'm pretty excited about that one as well.
As you all know, I live in the Midwest which has always been famous for it's wildly fluctuating weather. I took the kids out hiking the previous weekend thinking it might one of the last nice days before the winter snow hit. Well, even though the temperature has dropped, we never did get the snow that hit North and West of here. Yesterday, the temperature hovered just under 60 and, since it was my day off, I took the kids out for a nature walk.
I love this shot. The best thing about having kids is having them run at you excitedly in greeting. My daughter is always excited to see me, and the feeling is quite mutual. The teen, not so much. He still loves me though. :)
This time of the year, the sun begins to set after 5 p.m. and as we were finishing our walk, the moon was out, close, and nearly full.
The creek on our walk was scattered with brown leaves but some green ones as well. It was a gorgeous contrast.
Fields of wild grasses are a cross between white and brown. They will retire to the earth before Spring comes.