Observations at Work
Hello there. This is me at work. Shocker I know, as I'm sure you've probably assumed that I make a lavish penny off my writing skills which allows me to stay home and write all day. Oh, how I wish! ;) No, I work a real job. I work a semi-graveyard shift for 10-hour shifts, four days out of the week, in a call center, and it's a good job. I dig it, I dig the people who work there, the benefits are great, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a company that treats their employees better.
This shift definitely has advantages and disadvantages. It's not quite a busy late at night so it gives me time here and there to work out plot lines in my head for books; I love the solitary drive home in the wee morning hours; the people I work with at night are interesting; and the house is quiet when I get home. The drawbacks are never seeming to get enough sleep; not being around in the evening with my kids; and wishing I had more time to get things done.
The people I get to interact with are an interesting bunch, and it makes my job enjoyable. However, whomever has programmed Adele's "Hello" to play every hour through the music system needs to be stopped. lol
What's your job like?
Have a fantastic day! -H.A.