Old Photos

Happy Sunday! I hope you've all 'recovered' nicely from the past several days of food & family. I had two good meals, one with my little family on Thursday, and the other with friends on Friday, both vegan. Yesterday, I was mostly lazy but managed to give the house a good cleaning and spent time with the kids. Today has been more relaxing as I have to go back to work tonight. 

Of course, in and amongst all of that, I kept up with my writer's duties. A writer's work is never done after all! I started on Chapter 3 of my new book, and I'm excited daily to see how well "The Station" is holding up in the book ranks. It's encouraging to feel validation for all of my hard work and dedication.

I have still been going through old pictures on my computer once in awhile to see if there's anything I want to get rid of, keep, or maybe even print off. I came across some old hiking photos from 2011, which is only about a year after I decided to get back into hiking after a long, long dry spell from my youth when my dad would take me out on weekend, fall afternoons. This particular day, we also spent a gorgeous, early fall afternoon up in the Loess Hills (which is incidentally one of my dad's and mine's old hiking haunts from way back in the day). It was nice to stroll down memory lane and I've chosen a few of my favorite photos from that day.

A nice shot from inside the forest. You can see the forest at it's in-between stage of summer and fall as the leaves are both green and brown. Some remain on the trees while others have already descended to the ground.

This panaramic view of the Loess Hills showcases the nice scenery we have here in the Midwest.

 A view from along the ridge line of the hills. The pines will stay green while the grasses turn from various shades of green to various shades of brown and gold.

A gorgeous view as we came down from the hills and into the forest of the valley. A man-made lake borders the forest near the parking area, and you could see the sun shining off it like a mirror from the canopied darkness of the forest interior.

Thanks for taking a brief walk down memory lane with me! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!  -H.A.


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