
"The Station" is now two days old and I hope you're enjoying it! If you haven't already purchased it, there's a link on the sidebar that will take you right to it on Amazon. It's only $2.99 and if you like a good paranormal thriller, or anything in-between, then you really should read it! Not that I'm biased or anything. ;) Also on the sidebar, you can find links to my social media pages so go check them out and give them a like or a follow to show your support. It means so much to me!

The last couple of months have been sort of harrowing for me. Dealing with crazy hormones, helping my kids through some tough times, and trying to finish my book--all while working and freelancing--has taken a toll on me. I went out on Saturday night, my first time out since the beginning of the summer, and that helped shake off some of the stress. I also got a few nights in a row of well-needed, restful sleep, so now that I've finished the book and everything else is back to normal, I'm feeling reflective.

For me, being reflective typically means looking back on recent events and thinking about them with fresh eyes. It's a way to look at what has happened and determine what, if anything, could have been different and, if so, in what way? How could I improve the way things played out? Did they need to be improved? I've definitely done plenty of this kind of reflection over the past few months as I waded through stressful times.

Today, I'm indulging in a different kind of reflection. One where I look deep within my soul and decide some truths about myself and my life. I don't reflect in this manner nearly as much as I do in the other, but it's needed just the same. As we move in and through certain periods of our life, and manage to come out alive at the other end of these periods, we need this kind of reflection in order to grow.

I started a new path a year ago and I thought that this period of time would take me through next year when my life will change. Little did I know at the time, nor did I think, that I would go through other, smaller periods in my life between then and the future. I can chuckle about it now, because I can be naive sometimes about how I think things are. The truth is: life is constantly throwing things at you, whether changes, stress, good things, or hardships, and you're going to have to deal with it.

It's when these things happen that I don't always deal with things in the best of manners. I could chalk it up to being imperfectly human, but if I don't acknowledge and deal with my shortcomings sometimes, how can I grow into the person I wish to be? I definitely have an idea of the person I'd like to evolve into, but will I ever get there? Or will I constantly ride the ebb and flow of life's ever-changing presence in my life?

I'm hoping that if I deal with the tide in a direct, honest manner that I will become who I want to be, but that I will be able better to handle the stressful times. That folks, is my inner reflection. I can see the person I want to be staring back at me, but the person on my side of that reflection has some growing to do.

I hope you have a great day, a fantastic week, and that you're having a stress-free, easy period in your life.




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