The Latest from the Write Life
Good morning! I got over eight hours of sleep last night so, combine that with a cup of coffee, and I'm feeling pretty good today. I didn't get much sleep on Monday night which meant that last night I was feeling pretty tired. Since I had a meeting at 9 p.m., I thought I would take a quick power nap - something I've done many times before. Instead, I slept for a few hours, waking up well after the meeting was over, so I went back to bed. At least I'm rested, right?
As you all know, I've put my latest book endeavor Vanished on the shelf for awhile. This was mainly due to my hectic schedule that began early last year. After I finished The Box, I decided to start Vanished, but hold off on writing it in a dedicated fashion until after a big event I'm helping coordinate is over in May. Well, being a writer means writing calls you, not the other way around, so I've been called back to my storytelling.
Instead of Vanished, I'm back to working on a series of three books that I already had pretty well sketched out. One of the characters from The Box inspired the idea for the series, and, recently, my mind starting thinking about that series in earnest. I'm back to writing again, and it feels good to be back in the saddle. Depending on how it goes over the next few months, I'll be releasing the details as I progress farther.
Speaking of writing, have you signed up for my newsletter yet? It is soon time to release the second of four newsletter installments of my short story "The Scream". There's still time to get the first installment if you sign up by Friday! The sign-up box is in the right-hand corner of this site.
Last, but not least, have you checked out my Patreon yet? If not, click on the Patreon menu up top for more details. I'm releasing "The Scream" there as well, so this is yet another way to read it! Get it while it's hot.
Have a great week.