Dollar Tree Haul

Oh, how I love the Dollar Tree. I'm pretty sure I've said that exact same thing on this blog before, but it's true. You can buy things you need and things you don't need for a mere dollar. I live in a city where there are several DTs, and this makes me happy. Some locations have different items than others, and since many of their products are a one-time deal, it's always good to go check out other DTs when possible. After the holidays, I headed to another location instead of my local DT, and here's what I scored.

Oh. Em. Gee. I love thin mints, and I love orange creme, so when I saw these babies I grabbed the box and read the label. They are accidentally vegan so into my cart they went. Let me say, these are delicious. (As you can see, I didn't even wait to open them.)

This is one of those items that must not have been selling very well, so it ended up at the DT. Since I talked about doing more exercise at home when getting out isn't possible, I figured I would grab this. Besides, I can't lose for $1.00.

I found these microfiber facial pads, and since I get sample-sized face cleaners from Ipsy often, I figured these would be great to use with them. They are! I really like my new face routine in the shower. It's quick, easy, and really helps deep-clean my skin. The other item is silicone wine caps. Most of the time, getting a cork back into an opened bottle of wine is tricky. Well, not this time! 

Here's a better view of what they look like. Just pop this on your wine bottle when you're done, and it will help keep your wine fresh until the next time you imbibe.

This was a fun find that got me excited. They had about 4 or 5 different varieties of product sets, sold individually. This one is Lemon Verbena & Mint, and I purchased the bath soap, facial wipes, body cream, and body oil. They also had a hand soap and a bath salts for each type, but I decided against those.

I also bought the Lavender & Chamomile set. Here you see the facial wipes and body oil.

Here is the bath soap and body cream. I might give one set away as a gift, but I might keep it...who knows? 

The last two items I grabbed were some lens cleander spray with wiping cloth; and coconut lip balm. I recently fell in love with lens cleaner - especially if it has the cleaning cloth. It cleans glasses so well, and since I wear them every day, keeping them clean is a necessity. The lip balm is always a good purchase, particularly in the winter when skin is dry from the air. I put one in my car as I ran out of the one I always keep in my glove box.

And there you have it: my latest Dollar Tree haul. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of what a few dollars can get you. Have a great weekend my friends.


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