Coffee Talk: Newsletter, Free Book, and Things
Good morning! Do you have your cup of coffee? I sure do, as well as a breakfast sandwich composed of sauzage and hashbrowns. What? It's good, trust me. Anyway, on to Coffee Talk.
I sent out my first Email Newsletter this week! Woo hoo! It may sound minor, but it's something I've been meaning to do for awhile. I don't have many subscribers (2, it's 2 okay!) so I was waiting for a few more. Since no one else has signed up (cough, cough, wink, nudge, wink), I went ahead and started doing one. For now it will just be a monthly thing except for special editions here and there. If you haven't signed up yet, just look for the sign-up box on the right-hand side near the top of where the blogs start. Go ahead, sign up...I don't bite, or so I've been told.
Right now, at this very moment, my first book Cold is available for free on Amazon, and will be through the 18th. You better go get your free copy while you have the chance! It's a short, entertaining, easy-to-read thriller. Here's the link: H.A. Larson's "Cold"
In other book news, I've decided that after my KDP Select contract runs out on my currently-published books, I'm going to pull them out. If you don't know what KDP Select is, it's Amazon's exclusive contract with ebook authors. Basically, how it works is that an author decides to publish exclusively with Amazon, and, in exchange, the author can run book promotions as well as borrow out the book to Amazon's Lending Library for so many cents for each page read. If you've ever read a book through the Kindle Unlimited, this is where those books come from.
NOTE: My books will still be available for sale on Amazon, no worries! They will just no longer be able to be borrowed through Kindle Lending Library/Kindle Unlimited.
NOTE: My books will still be available for sale on Amazon, no worries! They will just no longer be able to be borrowed through Kindle Lending Library/Kindle Unlimited.
For authors who move lots of copies of their books, and are fairly-popular authors, this makes sense. For authors still trying to get some recognition and exposure, it doesn't. I move so few copies that I stand to do better selling individual books. Not to mention, if my books aren't enrolled in KDP Select, I can publish them to other ebook markets and gain more exposure (and with it, hopefully, more readers and more sold copies).
It's harder to make money being an ebook author than it used to be, especially where Amazon is concerned. Don't get me wrong, they help self-published authors mold themselves into real authors. I write a better quality product now than I did when I wrote Cold. Not to take away anything from myself, but I've grown and improved, and not just in my writing style either. I've come a long way in learning better ways to format and edit my books as well.
But I digress. I'll be publishing my books through Pronoun after their Select contracts run out (so expect a free book run right before I pull each one), and will be available through multiple markets. I'm going to improve the formatting on each one as well before re-publishing them.
Well, that's it for me today! It's Hump Day, which means we're that much closer to the weekend. Hope your day is grand,