The Latest

The last several days have a busy blur! My son had a birthday and I let him play hooky on Friday in order for us to do some birthday shopping. Later that evening I finally tracked down a cheap replacement washing machine for my old one, and had to round up a truck, a dolly, and some manpower to retrieve it. Saturday I spent all day doing the tons of laundry that had accumulated, deep cleaning the house (which is best accomplished when you can wash everything), and working on my latest book "The Station." 

Sunday I was exhausted from all my hard work, and was yet again dealing with a weird yo-yo of emotions that was very deja vu from last month. I figured out that something more was going on than simply nostalgia or a set of doldrums, and so I did some research. I determined, from a list of symptoms, that what I am dealing with on a monthly basis are hormonal changes related to perimenopause. It's the period before your period ends for good. It comes with a variety of symptoms, and I'm glad I was able to determine that I'm not crazy and that my internal thermostat isn't "broken". I started taking an herbal mood enhancer and I'm starting to notice a difference. 

Finally, I went on a writing blitz and am nearly finished with "The Station". One more chapter and I'm done! I'm pretty excited, and I will be sure to let you know right away when I've completed it. This book has been my most challenging, and my best work yet. I feel that I've really grown as an author, and I'm hoping it shows. Now I have to wrap it up, edit it, make a trailer, and get some preliminary reviews! Wish me luck!

It's been a crazy ride these past few months, but I can finally see the light! Have a fantastic day.



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