Expanding my Horizons
Recently, I charted new territory: being a guest on an online video discussion . I was on the PolitiPeeps podcast with fellow guest Dr. Mathias Nordvig, where we discussed anarchy and liberty themes in metal music. It was a lot of fun and quite informative. The discussion itself will be released in three parts on the PolitiPeeps YouTube channel, but ahead of that, they wrote up a good summary piece on the discussion (link below).
The discussion was led by Siobhán Patricia Lynch, a libertarian political strategist whose accomplishments include an Emmy award for interactive TV. She's one of three parts of the PolitiPeeps team, with Dennis Consorte - who wrote the summary piece - and Edward Hoefer rounding out the trio.
As a guest, I was, of course, representing myself as well as Slime&Grime, the online metal magazine I write for. Not only am I a seasoned writer but a heavy metal aficionado, as well.
I was a fellow guest with Dr. Mathias Nordvig. Originally from Scandanavia, he now calls Colorado home where he's a professor at the University of Colorado - Boulder and an expert in Nordic mythology.
The three of us are all fans of heavy metal and believers in personal liberty, so I think you'll find the discussion fun and informative as well.
So, where can you find the summary article? By clicking here.
Other useful links:
- PolitiPeeps YouTube Channel This is where you'll find the online video discussion I was a part of. I'll be sure to let you know via my social media as those become available.
- Dr. Mathias Nordvig YouTube Channel This is a fun channel that mixes Nordic Mythology and interviews with interesting people, including metal musicians.
I know my posting schedule is a bit off this week as a result of this past holiday weekend, but I'll post my regular Saturday/Tuesday schedule beginning this Saturday. Have a great rest of your week!