Heading into a Busy Period
Spring is upon us and, while it's possible to get that one last freak snowstorm, I'm engaged in Spring things. I started the process a few months ago, but I'm fully invested in Spring cleaning. While this is something I do every year - getting rid of unwanted items and doing heavy cleaning projects - this year is a bit different. This time, Spring cleaning holds a new purpose and a new meaning.
Next month, I'll be moving into a gorgeous, updated, and modern-looking apartment that's almost the same size as the rental house I've lived in for nearly 11 years. This means, of course, that I have 11 years' worth of crap to divvie up with the ex, decide on what to keep, and either sell or give away the rest. Truth be told, I'm not taking a whole lot from here, but rather I'm going to get new-to-me items. It will be the first time in more than two decades that I have my very own place and I'm soooo excited.
I already have different living room furniture worked out, and I'm planning the layout in my head. I've always wanted a wine rack, so I found a Groupon for a fantastic deal on good wines and after I picked out my wines, I scoured Craigslist for a wine rack to hold them all. I was super-successful in this endeavor and it all just adds to my excitement. You guys know me, though, so you know that I'm striving to find free hand-me-downs or gently-used items that I can purchase inexpensively.
Before I move, however, I have some things to do. First, I'm wrapping up my last week at my second job next week. This, of course, means that I can have my nights and weekends back, but more importantly, that I will have paid off my debt! This is also exciting news as I can move forward with my daughter without that hanging over my head. I also have a couple of writing gigs to complete.
After my last shift at my second job, I'll have about a week to pack and get ready to fly with my daughter to Texas to visit my Mom for a week. I had enough points from credit card churning to get the flights for free and since it's my daughter's spring break that week, we wanted to go somewhere warm. It will also mean free lodging and a chance to visit my mom and my grandma. We're actually going to do some real tourist things this time, something I haven't gotten to do much of during my visits to the Lone Star State. I'm looking forward to my first traveling of this year.
When I return, I will start cleaning out the house and have one of three planned garage sales. I can start moving into my new place on April 16th, so my daughter and I will lug smaller items over when we have time. April will be busy cleaning, selling, and moving.
On May 1st, my friends and family will gather with trailers to help me move the rest of my items into my new place. I'll spend the rest of that weekend and the following weeknights getting my apartment together. Our lease on the old house is up at the end of May, so we'll spend time getting it super-cleaned, make any minor repairs, and finish getting rid of or moving the remaining items. I'm grateful to have that month and a half span to move and finalize everything.
May will be busy for that reason, but also because I have an event every single weekend planned - sometimes things just work out that way. I'm looking forward to June when my daughter will go with my parents on a trip to Missouri and leave me a week of alone time in my apartment to relax and enjoy some much-needed downtime.
While I'm going to be busy for the next few months, I'm thrilled about all of it. A new life waits around the corner and I'm more than ready.