Hikes on Warm, Snowy Days
After the bitter cold snap that saw record, freezing temperatures and tons of snow, the weather warmed back up in a rapid 180. The past few weeks have been pleasant and the snow is nearly gone. Right when the cold snap ended, my part-time job cut everyone's hours (business slowed after all the holidays had passed), so I took advantage of these two things to spend as much time outdoors as possible.
Of course, rapidly warming temperatures after freezing cold and snowy temperatures means sloppy mud and ice everywhere so I took walks - as opposed to hiking - in places where I could still be out in nature while avoiding treacherous hiking conditions.
It felt so wonderful to be outside, surrounded by trees and sunshine with the occasional bird singing in the background.
One of my stops was out at a bird refuge and I always enjoy seeing the variety of winged critters.
I even got my daughter out of her teenager pit (i.e. her room) to enjoy a bit of fresh air and sunshine.
Of course, it's warmed up even more in the preceding week, and I didn't wear a jacket once yesterday. While I was working, it was nice to see people in shorts and tank tops purchasing items for grilling and chilling. I'm looking forward to the 70 degrees temperature expected today - for the first time in months - where I plan on taking an actual hike. I noticed that the ground has dried up considerably so this should make for some prime hiking. I'm so excited to get back to the grind after a deep cold period where I spent all my free time working.
Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy it!