100-Mile Goal

As you've read in a previous post, I'm a walking fool. I've always liked to walk and hike but had never invested myself as much in them until Spring finally arrived towards the end of April. As I reported in June, I walked/hiked a total of 119.01 miles in May. I can now report my June mileage and I clocked in a whopping 97.45 miles! While not as much as June - it was significantly hotter in June - I still made it close to 100 miles. So far in July, I have walked close to 30 miles.

All this walking has been really good for me. I feel nimbler, stronger, and healthier. Combined with watching how much I eat, I've lost weight. It's also been a great mood lifter as well and it gives me some personal time to work out things in my mind. I've decided, then, that walking and/or hiking 100 miles every month is completely doable. I'm not sure how that will look going into Winter, but I figure that I can always get a cheaper gym membership to get me through.

Walking, in general, is one of the easiest things anyone can do to get in better physical health. All one needs is a pair of comfortable shoes. People who walk can lose weight, but even if they don't lose weight, there are still plenty of benefits. Regular exercise lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even some cancers. For more information about the healthful impacts of walking, read this article at Harvard Health.

Do you walk? If not, is there another form of regular exercise that you do? Would you like to join me on my walking quest? Let me know if you do in the comments! You can also comment if you have goals of your own you'd like to share, or just need some words of encouragement.

Happy walking!


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