Dark and Dreary Days

Photo courtesy of author on instagram @halarsonwriter
There's nothing I love more than a dark & dreary day. While I certainly love a warm, sunny day on occasion, it is it's counterpart that reigns supreme in my heart.

While others lament the dark, dreary days as perfect days for staying indoors or in bed, I smile broadly and contemplate where to go and what to do. Nothing makes me want to get outdoors more than this kind of day.

I don't know why I love dark and dreary days so much, but I do. Maybe it has something to do with Autumn, or...maybe that's why I like Autumn so much. There are plenty of dark & dreary days in my favorite season.

I look forward to the overcast days, the hint of rain in the air, the cozy jeans & long-sleeved shirts, the cute little jackets & scarves, the brilliant colors of the leaves as they change, mulled apple cider, and long, comfortable walks in the forest.

Here's to hoping for a dark & dreary day soon.



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