April Ipsy!
Hello! Long time no see, right? Well, I told you I'd be back periodically, and I didn't lie. Anyway, my April Ipsy subscription came, so let's check it out!
Here are all the contents.
Here is the cute little bag it all came in.
First up, pur-lisse's treatment sheet masks for the face. One is blue lotus + white tea while the other one is blue lotus + seaweed. Now that I have all my evenings to spend how I wish, I'm really looking forward to giving myself more pedis, manis, and, of course, facials. I'll post about these soonish.
This is a beautiful tapered blush brush made by Crown brushes. I'm pretty excited about this one actually, because although I already have two blush brushes, I'm not crazy about either one of them. This one, though, looks awesome and I'll be using tomorrow morning before work!
This is a single eyeshadow, in color Marrakesh-Desert Sands, made by Nomad. It's a gold color, and since I've been wearing a lot of browns/beiges/golds lately, it's going to work perfectly into my palette.
The glare on this one is bad (sorry) but it's a Tarte lip color called Wonder. It's a salmon-colored red. Not my usual color, but I'll give it a go!
I just now noticed that I left out the Skinn eye enhancing eyeliner! You can see it in the first picture. It's not your typical eyeliner, but rather a brightening pencil that is good for perking up tired-looking eyes. This will definitely come in handy on those early mornings!
Ok, so that's the Ipsy for this month. I hope you enjoyed seeing what came in my personalized bag. If you so desire, you can see the full array of what came in people's April Ispy bag here.