The Return of September
Well, well, well....would you look at that? September is back! Every year, when September rolls around I get excited. The excitement stems from the fact that Fall is nearly here! I absolutely adore Fall and everything about it. If I had to choose one season to live in permanently, it would be Fall.
I can't wait for the turning leaves, cool hikes in the forest, pumpkin patches, cozy sweaters, temperate climate, hayrack rides, warm tea under a blanket, and Halloween. I'm even looking forward to having a pumpkin beer although spiked apple cider is preferable - and I do make a delicious spiked apple cider.
I think I am looking forward to Fall even more than I have in the past. It's been such a wild and crazy ride this year, that I feel like my favorite season will usher in better times. A new age if you will. I sure hope so! Either way, I'm going to make the absolute most of my favorite season this year, and in honor of that, I'm going to be making special posts centered on it. Expect a bunch of fun content in October because I am chock full of ideas and plans that I cannot wait to share.
I'm going to revisit some of my favorite ghost hunts as well as embark on a few more. I'll be doing my yearly Shocktober! as well as share the pumpkin patch trip I didn't take last year. If that wasn't enough, I have some other fun stuff planned, so make sure you stick around for all of it.
Until then, enjoy your weekend!