Things You Can Do When You're Stuck at Home
Being stuck at home can be quite boring. Not being able to see friends, family, or go to your favorite places can, let's face it, suck. Fortunately, there are things you can do to cut down on the boredom. Have you ever wanted to learn how to play guitar? See the Mona Lisa? Start working out? Well, you can! I've been compiling a list of such things so I can share them with you - and keep them for my own reference. So, here are some things you can do during social isolation:
7. Start reading again! Read books from here or here. You can also download the Kindle app on your phone for free and access lots of free books from Amazon's catalog. Magazines more your thing? You can read those, too!
11. Download the SkySafari app to your phone and explore the night sky from your yard or living room.
12. This one is a no-brainer as I've seen more people doing it now than ever before but GET OUTSIDE. Take a walk around your neighborhood or the local park, making sure to stay a good distance from other people when you come across them.
13. Have a virtual party! I have the Zoom app on my phone for work meetings, as do many of my friends, so we've been hanging out together that way. We drink, we laugh, we talk, and, man, does it really help lift your spirits.
14. Tackle those projects you've been meaning to do!
16. Henry Rollins has launched a four-hour quarantine radio show that I highly recommend you check out, especially if you are a music buff.
So, there you have it: a list of things you can do when you're largely stuck at home. This list is NOT comprehensive so therefore it's fluid. If you have any suggestions or ideas, I will add them to this list. Just send me an email or COMMENT below and I will edit this post on an on-going basis.