Gel Eyeliner Review
As most of you know from previous posts, I had been really wanting to try gel eyeliner since the beginning of the year. I'd always used a combination of a felt-tip eyeliner accentuated with liquid eyeliner. Gel eyeliner looked liked a quicker and easier way to achieve the look I wanted using only one product. In one of my previous make-up haul posts, I had purchased a gel eyeliner from Love My Eyes. Remember them? Back in the 80s, I used to buy their cheap pencil eyeliners and eyeshadows.
I honestly didn't even know Love My Eyes was still around when I spotted their inexpensive version of a gel eyeliner. Unsure of how well I'd like gel eyeliner, I decided I would give this one a try before spending a lot of money on some. This is their pot along with the brush that came with it. I could tell right away that I wasn't going to like that brush.
Instead, I opted for one of my detail artistic brushes. I had gotten a multi-pack of these awhile back for use with more intricate eye applications, so I used this particular brush, the smallest and finest of the pack. Honestly, none of the artistic brushes, or any other brush I own for that matter (and I have a lot of brushes), worked very well in application. I could tell right away that the gel eyeliner had potential, but after using it a few times I realized that the brand I was using was just not very good. I still had to use liquid eyeliner to correct the ragged way it ended up on my eyelids. It was also kind of dry and dried quickly, making applying it even more of a challenge. Admittedly, after using it a couple of times then, I gave up using it.
I hadn't, however, given up on using gel eyeliner so I decided to purchase a better quality version and a gel eyeliner-specific brush. One day while I was perusing Amazon, I decided to look for some. I settled on the NYX gel eyeliner as it had decent reviews, and I also purchased the daVinci gel eyeliner brush. Needless to say, this version was a HUGE improvement over the Love My Eyes version. It goes one smooth and easily, and gives great coverage in one quick step. One word of caution though, don't flub it up or you have to remove all your eye makeup and start over or it doesn't look right! I speak from experience on that one.
Overall, if you like a nice precision eyeliner on your top lids, then get this!