It's a Matter of Time
Patience has never been a strong suit of mine. I've always been in a hurry to get things done, get the work day done, make supper, get back home from an outing, for bills to clear my bank account, for this, that, and the other thing.
A few years ago, however, (most of) this changed. Out of necessity, I had to learn and exercise patience. From this, I started to see the positive impacts it had on my life. I applied patience to other areas of my world and found that I was less anxious, less stressed, and generally felt happier. I quit being in a hurry, quit rushing trying to do everything, and started to appreciate the slower pace of my life.
This has also been the catalyst for embracing more in my life. More meaningful relationships and more experiences. After all, life is short. The finite aspect of life is absolute and there's nothing we can do about that. What we can have control over, however, is how we want to relegate the time that we have left in this world.
With such a fleeting and ultra-important commodity, do we really want to spend it racing around in traffic trying to get somewhere a minute or two earlier than the slower people around us? Do we want to spend our time angry over insignificant things? Do we want to avoid doing things or going to places because we just don't feel like it, which leads to many days of simply sitting at home investing time in things like TV shows?
What I'm getting at here, is that you can choose what you want to do with and how you want to spend your time. Choose wisely. You only have so much of it.