A Busy Calendar
Two years ago, I wrote a post about saying, "Yes," to everything. It was a period in my life where I hibernated in my house and avoided doing pretty much anything. It was a hard spot to be as before that rough period, I was incredibly active and trying to live life to the fullest. Getting out of my new comfort zone (at the time) was a way for me to try and force myself to get back out in the world. Unfortunately, the whole idea didn't stick and I spent another year, essentially, doing pretty much the same thing. Oh sure, I did get out and do things, but not at the level that I preferred.
Then, very early this year, things changed...for the better. It was like - metaphorically - the rain stopped, the sun came out from behind the clouds, and the birds started up their sing-song chatter. Gone was the feeling that I *should* be getting out and doing things; replaced with an actual drive to get out and do things.
This year, then, has been my reawakening. I've filled up my calendar, quite literally, with things that constitute a life. Once again, my time is filled with fun, laughter, adventure, and a sense of wholeness. In fact, my calendar gets filled up faster than I can whip out a pen to write in it with, and it makes me so very happy.
I've done everything and anything that comes across my path that sounds fun and interesting. I've taken several weekend trips away to visit friends, gone on day trip adventures many a Saturday, gone to a handful of events that I heard about through different e-newsletters that arrive in my inbox, spent days doing my favorite annual events, hiked up and down hills that I hadn't tread on much in a long time, went to gatherings and parties, hit up my favorite wineries, and simply spent unadulterated time with my favorite people.
To say it's been wonderful doesn't really do it justice. Wonderful doesn't get to the heart of how I feel like a renewed person or how I feel more connected with places, people, and things that I hold dear. It's also created a desire in me again, one that's been gone so long, to be in good health...to be active and grab life by the horns.
It's a time to savor.