Coffee Talk: September, October, and Goals
I'm really glad that September is over. I don't know what it was in particular about this month, but it proved to be the most off-balance and taxing month of the year. First off, I had anticipated having a slower-paced, laid-back month after stepping down from some commitments at the tail end of August. Alas, it was not meant to be as I was, surprisingly, really busy the entire month. Not only was each weekend busy, but my weekdays were as well. Secondly, I was feeling off-kilter, mentally, which didn't help anything and seemed to be exacerbated by the frenetic pace with which the month moved along. Finally, on the last week of the month, things started to feel normal again and I sent out the month with a bang as my annual potluck bbq was the last weekend. I made some killer homemade cider and had a great time with some great people.
Now that September is over...October is here! I freaking love October. There's no better month, in my opinion, and I always look forward to it each year. October is entirely placed within my favorite season, the weather is perfect, the foliage is beautiful, pumpkin patches abound, and Halloween lies ahead. I started the month by watching the first movie for Shocktober! It will be great fun watching movies which I will then report back to you on. This year, I will definitely be going to a pumpkin patch - something we missed last year - so I can take Nature Girl on a hayrack ride and soak in the greatness of Autumn.
With September being what it was, my goals didn't really come around in a neat package like I had assumed they would. On top of that, I skirted and flirted with falling off the wagon a few times. Here's how:
1. I missed my 100-mile walking/hiking goal by 5 miles. So, yes, it's only 5 miles but those 5 miles are haunting me right now. I had plenty of time to make my goal yet I didn't.
2. I had a good 10 days of the month where I basically said, "Screw intermittent fasting," and just ate how I wanted. Luckily, I followed IF for the majority of the month so I didn't gain any weight, but I didn't lose any either.
3. I seriously craved cigarettes and meat for the first time in years, which was difficult to deal with amid the rest of the crazy month September was. I took the advice of a few friends and indulged in those things that I craved. I took a drag off a friend's cigarette and I ate some sandwich meat. Now, that's all I let myself indulge of either one, and it eliminated my cravings, but I still have a sense of failure from doing so.
4. I had hoped that I would have more free time in September after ridding myself of some things, but it wasn't meant to be. After experiencing a brief surge in creativity where I worked in earnest on my latest book and came up with four other storylines, I hit a wall. I have these great ideas, but no idea where they are going.
So, to sum up: September sucked...for many reasons. Not one to dwell on the negative or rest on my laurels, I'm going to be proactive in all the ways that count this month in an effort to get myself back on track.
* I'm going to make my 100-mile goal this month.
* I'm going to stick to IF for the entire month.
* I will not feel bad about how I handled my cravings in September and will move past it.
* I'm going to take the month off from writing and focus on other things.
I'm looking forward to October for the usual reasons, but also because I'm going to use the month to my advantage. I'm going to hit the reset button this month so I can start November in full me-mode. Between my favorite activities, Shocktober!, and a couple of weekend trips this month, I should back to my normal soon.
Have a great week,