Writing Update: Poetry!

Good morning!  I wanted to talk a little bit this morning about the poetry book I'm working on.  It's called "Deep, Dark, & Lovely", and, no, I did not forget about it!  I know that I had originally talked about it-as well as revealing the cover for it-in conjunction with my book "The Melody" , and had slated it for an April release.

No, it hasn't been released yet, but yes, I am planning to.  The reason for the delay is that it has changed course!  What had originally been planned as a series of unhappy poems has truly evolved into a project that involves three parts: Deep poetry, Dark poetry, and Lovely poetry.  Now, I'm not sure when I will finish or release the project yet, but know this:  when I do, it's gonna be good!  It will be this year though, for sure.

Anyway, thought I'd update you all as I have had a couple of emails about it.  Until then, enjoy, not just today, but everyday.  Make the most of it while you got it.

Much love,



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