Renaissance Faire!
Oh my gosh you guys, I have to tell you something: I LOVE Ren Faires. Ever since I was a kid and heard about Renaissance Faires I have been in love with them. Of course, growing up in a very small town in nowhere Midwest, there were no Ren Faires anywhere near me so I just had to imagine what they were like in my mind. Now that I'm all grown up (sorta), I have the good fortune of living in a city that has an excellent Ren Faire, and even if I can't make one of the big ones within driving distance every year (Kansas City & Minneapolis), I NEVER miss the one right here at home: The Nebraska Renaissance Festival. Anyway, last weekend was opening weekend and, of course, the kids and I were right there the minute they opened the gates.
Faeries! We love faeries and all the trinkets and fairy dust they dole out.
Her majesty, Queen Elizabeth I, and her royal court.
Her majesty's Royal Knight: Protector of the Realm
Below: Crazy Boy Coy, the funniest, most talented contortionist/juggler/fire eater at any Faire I've been too. We never miss his show!