Things Come, Things Go
In my 52 years on this planet, I've learned a thing or two. One of the biggest is the impermanence of life. Things change, buildings are built, buildings are torn down, processes are upgraded, people enter, people retreat, and hobbies shift.
That's just the way it is.
When you're young, these things are troublesome, but the older one gets, the more laissez-faire the attitude becomes. After all, change is inevitable.
I can look back on my own life and see just how much things have changed, how much I've grown, all that I've learned, and the speed at which it all happened. The tough times in life felt like they were never going to end, but those times are nothing but a distant memory now.
When I got divorced and moved on to the next chapter of my life, I was excited. I knew something monumental would occur, yet nothing big has materialized. Instead, life has shifted in bits and pieces.
This is apparent in many aspects of my life, but none more evident than my writing life. While I have a seemingly never-ending stream of thoughts and ideas for tales to tell, the drive to lay them out just isn't there.
Trust me, I've tried. If the ideas are there, they'll surely flow out onto a medium at any time. Right? Honestly, I just don't know.
Blogging is a dying form. People just don't read blogs anymore, not with the astronomic rise of social media. Still, I still enjoy blogging. Sometimes. While I can't quite bring myself to quit posting here, it can languish to the side for long periods. And, when I do get the urge to post, I find it to be more of a chore and I hurry through it quicker. I'd like to say that it's because I've never had a massive reader base that warranted me spending so much time and effort on it. But that would be a lie. I enjoyed it.
Or at least I used to.
Don't get me wrong, I do still like writing - to an extent - but it's not like it used to be.
Remember when I planned on motivating myself back into it and I even said I'd have my book of short stories out by Autumn? Not going to happen. Will it ever happen? Again, I just don't know.
That uncertainty used to bother me so much, but now, que sera sera.
You might be wondering if I'm hinting at something, or bringing this all around to an announcement of some kind. No, not really.
No, I think I have just made peace with so much in my life, writing included. I'll still be posting here, as the urge strikes me - no different than it has been for some time now - but I can't say for sure when (or if) I'll put out another book. And you know what?
That's okay.
See you soon, friends.
- H.A.