Knock it off 2021


Anytime now, 2021 can just slow down a bit. I mean, we got past Winter, barely had a Spring, shot off some fireworks, and in looking at the calendar, school starts back up next month. What the hell? Take a chill pill, Father Time, geesh.

Seriously, though, this year seems to be flying by. I feel like I'm just getting into the swing of this year and it's already half over. Go figure. I guess this just means I'm going to have to put my nose to the grindstone.

Not that I've been slacking, far from it. Like I said, I'm in the swing of things and I have plenty on my plate to keep me a good way. I have some draft blog posts that I just need to edit photos and put together; I am working on a new editorial for a monthly newsletter I contribute to; and I'm hard at work on my latest book. On top of that, I'm still working full-time and it's been keeping me busy as of late - well, busier than usual, that is.

Besides all the writing and work stuff, I'm happily enjoying and relishing in my new life as a single mom in my own, carefully curated space. In fact, I probably spent a bit too much time just soaking it all in for a handful of weeks, but it was well-earned and deserved. I worked hard to get where I am, and that deserves some props.

I also have a bunch of fun and exciting plans for the rest of the year that, I'm sure, will continue to make 2021 a quick-moving year. But, as this year winds down, I have faith that my life will settle into a new normal and I can look forward to time pacing itself a bit more. In the meantime, I'll keep plugging away at the things that are bringing my life back around to where I want it to be.

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend if you had one, and that you're looking forward to a productive and happy week.


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