
Well, it's been another week, and here it is the day before Thanksgiving already.  My how time has flown.  Another year is close to being over, and since it's a giving thanks kind of holiday, I have some things I am grateful for that I'd like to share.

I've been through a lot over the past few years, and this year is no different.  I've accomplished things this year that I would never have thought possible a few years ago.  I quit smoking back in January (the 12th was the last day I smoked), I wrapped up a whole year of writing editorials for a local magazine, I published my first novella, and I took a trip to Europe, a life-long dream come true. 

I've watched my amazing children thrive and grow another year.  My son has a driver's permit, and excels in school.  My daughter is so creative, and also excels in school.  They are both healthy and I love them so much.  I couldn't imagine a life without them in it.

I no longer worry about the same things, or fear new challenges or the unknown.  There's a great, peaceful calm and way of dealing with the world that only the 40's could bring.

So, I'm so very thankful.  Thankful for what I have, thankful for the opportunities, thankful for determination and hard work, and thankful for a life that I love living.  While it may not seem like much to others, it's definitely so very very much for me.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving eating great food, and spending it with great people whether with family, friends, or just yourself.

Warm regards,

H.A. Larson


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