Coffee Talk: Downtime, Darkness, and The Write Life
Good morning! I trust you've had a good weekend so far and will go into a new week feeling renewed and reinvigorated. I've had a lot of lazy weekends recently, and while it's still kind of foreign for it to be that way, I've been adjusting to it quite well. I've always felt, for some reason, that I should get up out of bed early on the weekends and get things accomplished. I've abandoned this way of thinking over the last couple of months and, instead, have embraced enjoying downtime. I jump out of bed early all week, why do it on the weekends as well? Besides, there are plenty of hours in a day to get things done. I have to's been fantastic lazing about on Saturday mornings.
We are in the throes of Winter, whether that is officially the case or not. Snow has fallen well in my neck of the woods, and it has brought the cold with it. I had a week and a half where I couldn't walk to work and back because of the extreme cold, but it warmed up to the 40s this last week - which will continue into next week - which has allowed me to walk again. It's amazing how much I missed a week. With Winter comes the darkness as well, and I've been relishing in it. It's stirring up ideas in my mind and I'm looking forward to translating that to my writing.
The Write Life has been moving at a snail's pace lately. I admit that I'm still having a hard time fully immersing myself back into my idle projects. I was lamenting that for a week or so, but I decided to cut myself some slack. My life is what it is, and I am just going to have to accept it and roll with the punches until I'm ready.
I have had a good amount of time to self-reflect and I do like how things are shaping up in my life. You can't stay down on the ground forever.
Have a good Sunday, my friends.